Because every fish has its tale.

Captain Catfish
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  • JT Winthrop
  • Idris ResQ Records/PiKture Time
  • BlueFin
  • Master Baiter
  • greg lipman
  • Miss Roberts
  • Captain Andy Derwinski
  • Al Bradley
  • Fisean
  • Mike Hodgdon
  • Castaway
  • Captain Randy Lingenfelter
  • Bass Bro
  • xtremefisherman
  • 5-Times

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Captain Catfish's Profile

Profile Information

Saltwater or Freshwater:
Salty, Fresh, Do I Have to Choose?, Freshwater Spearfishing (includes noodling)
Favorite Fishing Line? Not the kind on your reel, but your favorite fishing saying (mine's "...there's a reason they call it fishing and not catching..."):
A very wise bartender once told me (after returning from a not-super-productive day on the water) that "there's a reason they call it fishing and not catching..."
Just Plain Salty
All-time Favorite Fishing Spots?
West Fork of the San Gabriel River, CA; Teton River, ID; Lake Victoria, Kenya; Southern Cal/Baja Mex Coastline; Hakai Pass, Canada; Broken Bow, OK; Possum Kingdom, TX; Anywhere along HWY 395, CA
About Me:
A career optimizer of web sites and ecommerce, I’ve been a committed angler most of my life, as well.

One day, while my pops was relaying a story about the old gent behind the counter at the local Orvis shop who wanted him to bring in a picture of the trout he bragged about so proudly for the bulletin board. My mind began to drift and it suddenly clicked… I can build a site for my friends and anyone else to post their fishing tales and pictures! They can send their pictures to their buddies anywhere in the world.

Not just that, but we can now arrange fishing trips; tip each other off to what’s the hot spot and what’s not; and keep each other generally updated. Best of all, it’s a gateway to getting in a little more fishing with friends (virtually or otherwise).

Time on the water is a precious commodity—I’ve seen this sport build, mend, save and sustain great friendships; and I’m happy to help foster that, for my old buddies and for any new ones this site may service. Welcome to and happy angling!

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Captain Catfish's Blog

Weather Channel Fish-O-Meter!

OK, this is really cool! If you haven’t seen it, has fishing conditions for any US location at this link. I even found the place that I fell in love with fly-fishing… Broken Bow, OK! Save it to your favorites.…


Posted on February 4, 2008 at 7:43pm

More fish in ’08!

Every year, I’ve made it my New Year’s resolution to fish more than I did the year before. With the exception of 1 year in the past 10, I’ve made it happen.

For 2008, I wish the same for all of you; as well a safe, happy and prosperous new year.

Posted on December 17, 2007 at 4:23pm — 1 Comment

Manswers says: "Fishing is most dangerous sport in the world!"

Caught this tidbit on SpikeTV’s Manswers show last night……


Posted on November 14, 2007 at 6:47pm — 3 Comments

Apollo Park Fishing Derby in Lancaster, CA

Friday morning (11/2/07)… Having not been able to come up with any local fishing and not having time to go more than an hour or so away, we had all but given up on getting to fish during the weekend.…


Posted on November 8, 2007 at 12:05pm — 2 Comments

Apollo Park Fishing Derby in Lancaster, CA

LANCASTER - Thousands of anglers from around Southern California are expected to compete Saturday in Apollo Park's spring fishing derby.

The four-hour competition offers cash prizes for the 10 heaviest trout legally caught from…


Posted on November 2, 2007 at 12:34pm

Comment Wall (16 comments)

At 4:47pm on October 30, 2007, Guppy said…
When we fishing in the Zu again?
At 7:04pm on October 30, 2007, TroutSlayer said…
12 yellowtail on the Islandia half day with 12 anglers
At 11:19am on October 31, 2007, TroutSlayer said…
When is scheffy going to join. I would like to start a josh ripping on forum. Going yaking tommorrow
At 11:37am on October 31, 2007, Captain Catfish said…
Spoke to Sheff yesterday... he's still trying to think of a cool enough handle. I suggested "Troy Mac-Lure." We were also trying to figure out a fishing situation for this weekend. Guppy, you in? We're thinking possible go up Friday night/Come home Saturday afternoon Kern run... Or possibly something local.
At 12:35pm on November 4, 2007, Feeesherman said…
Captain. You are a true professor. Thank you for showing me the tao of Catfish. I shall not let you down.
At 2:29pm on November 4, 2007, Dr. said…
Thanks for the Showtime at Apollo yesterday. Best urban camping trip I've ever been on.
At 3:37pm on November 14, 2007, Whiskey River said…
Captain, thanks for having me aboard. Look forward to posting pictures of my future state records. WR
At 3:38pm on November 14, 2007, Whiskey River said…
Trout Slayer, pasadena half marathon is December 8.
Pasadena Marathon is Fall 08' TBD
When are we going to rip some lips?
At 11:05am on November 20, 2007, hook 'em hard judes said…
hey dude... so after that fab feast that you and Chrissy created and chit-chatting about your site, i signed up. my pops is an avid fisherman and we used to go all the time growing up. in fact, there's a yacht rotting away in my parents' backyard if you'd ever like to check it out! next up, it's my pops' bday on Thanksgiving, and us kids would like to get him a fishing trip getaway. do you have any suggestions for a simple & quick trip? he's perfectly content going solo. any help would be muy appreciated!! :) hope to see you and C again soon!
At 10:38pm on December 10, 2007, Dr. said…
What a day, huh? ...Probably #2 on my "Best Days EVER in Southern California" list. So glad to have it documented!

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